Do you like fish, but you can't always cook it the way you would like? There are little tricks for cooking delicious fish that every housewife should know. These little tricks will help you establish yourself as a great cook and make amazing fish dishes!
1. Before processing fish, place it in a bowl with water, if the fish sinks it is fresh, if not, then refuse to cook this product.
2. To eliminate the strong smell of fish frying, place one potato, peeled and cut into slices, in vegetable oil.
3. Fish broth is salted at the very beginning of cooking.
4. Before cutting, salted fish is poured with cold water so that it swells slightly - then it will be easier to clean.
5. To prevent the fish from falling apart when frying, it must be cut and salted 15 minutes before cooking.
6. Strongly salted fish is soaked in cold water for 4-6 hours. The water is changed every 1-2 hours. It is not recommended to store soaked fish.
7. The insides of the fish (not large) can be removed without cutting the abdomen. To do this, you need to make a deep cut near the gills, cut the spine and remove the head along with the entrails.
8. When frying the fish, add some salt to the hot oil to make the fish crisp.
9. In order for the fish to be well cleaned of the scales, it must be dipped in boiling water, and then put into warm water with the addition of vinegar.
10. The skin of the fish is easily removed if you first spray it with vinegar.
11. If the herring is too salty, soak it in tea or milk.
12. In order for the fish to brown well, it is necessary to dry it with a towel before frying.
13. Scales are easier to remove if you start cleaning the fish from the dorsal fin to the abdomen and tail.
14. Saltwater fish will be more tender if sprinkled with sugar 30-40 minutes before frying.
15. Small and cut fish are placed in boiling water so that it is not overcooked.
16. Frozen fish during cooking can only be placed in cold water.
17. It is not recommended to boil lampreys, bream, eel and carp - the broth turns out to be bitter.
18. During cooking, large fish are placed in cold water, and when it boils, water is added as needed.
19. All fish dishes should not be cooked at a high boil. At the beginning of the boil, reduce the heating and continue cooking at a low boil, which is evident from the barely noticeable, but not stopping movement of the liquid.
20. When cleaning slippery fish, you can dip your fingers in salt - this will facilitate work.
21. The easiest way to clean the fish is to use a regular grater under a gentle stream of cold water. Brush the fish from tail to head.
22. To determine the readiness of boiled fish, you need to stick a match into it. If the match easily enters the pulp, the dish is ready.
23. You need to fry fish in a small amount of fat, it is best to use a mixture of vegetable and butter; do not put the pieces tightly to each other, otherwise you will not get an appetizing crust on all sides.
24. If boiled or fried fish is left from lunch or dinner, you can store it in the cold for no longer than 1-2 days and be sure to boil the boiled fish in fish broth or water before serving it, and fry the fried additionally - each piece on both sides ...
25. Granular caviar will not dry out for a long time if you pour a thin layer of vegetable oil on top of a jar of caviar and close it tightly.
26. The key to a fragrant fish broth is the presence of several types of fish in it.

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