Friday, April 24, 2020

THE ROOT OF A BOOK PANTOUM - by Alvin Williard A. Aquino - Philippines



by  Alvin Williard A. Aquino  -   Philippines 

A book contains, author's knowledge.
Knowledge like juice, inside the fruit.
Taste in tongue, wisdom supersede.
Trees grow from their, intrinsic roots.

Knowledge like juice, inside the fruit.
Heart and mind fuel, to write book.
Trees grow from their, intrinsic roots.
Experience like, water for growth.

Heart and mind fuel, to write book.
Write decisions, pages are days.
Experience like, water for growth.
Seeds strives from, own qualities.

Write decisions, pages are days.
Books aren't just for read, be the book.
Seeds strives from, own qualities.
You cant suck others, juice and root.

Books aren't just for read, Be the book.
Taste in tongue, wisdom supersede.
You cant suck others, juice and root.
A book contains, author's knowledge.

Author Note: :

'True knowledge and wisdom are within us. 
We are born with it just need to realize it and use it.
 Just like a Photosynthesis.' 

my  note  (blogger Doina Badescu):

The pantoum is a poetic form derived from the pantun, a Malay verse form:
 specifically from the pantun berkait, a series of interwoven quatrains.