Once a poor man, who complained to everyone about his cross, about his poverty, imagined in a dream that he was in a spacious room, which was all lined with crosses of different sizes, and all these crosses were covered with veils. A secret voice said to the poor man :
-You complain about your cross, about your poverty, choose any other cross for yourself.
-You complain about your cross, about your poverty, choose any other cross for yourself.
The poor man began to choose. I took up the first cross, I didn't pick it up; the other took it and lifted it up, but it was too heavy for it - it is very heavy; the third cross seemed not heavy to him, but with its corners it hurt his shoulders. So he went through all the crosses, but he could not find a single one according to his strength. There was one more cross in the corner, which the poor man did not experience, because this cross seemed to him larger and heavier than the others.
Lifting this cross, the poor man shouted joyfully:
- This cross I will take upon myself, although it is great, but lighter than others !
They removed the veil from this cross, and there was an inscription on it - poverty.

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