Sunday, December 22, 2019

MY LOVE OF MY LIFE - by Rose Ana Salinas


by Rose  Ana Salinas

My love is a never ending road.
It keeps going and going and going.
But then I come to a stop.
I stop in front of this gentlemen.
He is kind, sweet, funny, and very loveable.
He treats me very well, like I was a flower.
He treats me as if I was his princess.
I, on the other hand, treat him as if he is my prince.
Sometimes, when I have a chance, 
I'll call him just to hear his sweet voice.
When I hear him laugh, I just melt.
I wanna hold him in my arms and never let go of him.
As I look into his beautiful hazel eyes, 
I tell him, "Soon my love, soon we will be together,"
And as I close my eyes and I hug my pilow tight, 
Wishing he was here to hold me,
I cry myself to sleep thinking about him.