Various colors - the vibrations at different frequencies. Your general condition of your body, mind and soul largely depends on the frequency at which our inner energy vibrates. We can go through different stages in life. Now up, then down .. Therefore, your current state should not be assessed as constant. You can change if you start working on yourself.
This test was developed by the world famous psychologist from Ireland Karina Collins.
Look at the candles. Which one attracts you more than others? Well, or which one is less annoying than the rest?
The candle you choose can tell you something about the frequency at which your body, mind and soul vibrate.
White is the color of the moon. Your chosen candle reflects lunar energy. This means that your soul is vibrating at the highest level. You keep it pure and at the same time live with a sense of purpose.
You came to this world to make a significant contribution to its development. And nature has given you everything you need to keep working on your personal progress. Your intuition is always at its best, because your psychic skills are strong, like some mediums!
You know instinctively what to do right now, so you don't bother too much with building plans and to-do lists. This is because you have an experienced soul who knows what her passion and her purpose is.
Other people will follow you if you are willing to be a driving force for them that aligns their interests with those of the community or society.
But first, you must ignite the lunar energy within yourself. Meditate before bed: close your eyes for 5 minutes and visualize white light coming from darkness. Hold on to this thought.
In witchcraft, lunar energy is used as a powerful spell for spells. So you can be sure that you have a powerful light within. And apart from him, nothing is needed.
PS If for a long time you could not decide which candle to choose, look at the second option. This means that periodically the color of your energy can change.
Violet is the color of Jupiter, a planet that is constantly growing in size.
Your choice of this candle means that in the near future you will be able to attract luck and abundance to your side. The "right" people will begin to appear in your life and will open a window of new opportunities for you. You just need to listen to their words and act under their direction.
The frequency at which your energy operates requires you to acquire new knowledge.
As you study the world around you, you will begin to notice more and more injustices in it. This can make you angry. But you need to deal with this emotion. Act yourself as you should: be generous, learn spirituality - that's what really matters to you now.
You may be unsure of yourself, spend a lot of time making a decision, and then change it anyway at the last moment. But your dedication will soon pay off. You will see.
PS If for a long time you could not decide which candle to choose, look at the second option. This means that periodically the color of your energy can change.
Red is the color of passion and courage.
This candle is chosen by people who at this stage of their lives are preparing for love or war ... Your spirit is vibrating nervously and requires action!
Sometimes it really takes some courage to move forward in life or to enjoy spiritual growth. One of those moments has come for you, my dear friend!
Those who have chosen this candle should fight right now. Or become brave enough to let go, kick out of your life that which no longer benefits you.
Leave yourself space, a vacuum that the Universe will fill with new possibilities. The main thing is that right now you are experiencing passion and inspiration to try something new! Sorcerers use red candles to attract true love. A life without passion is not really life. At least for you.
Some of you are ready for love. Therefore, you can wait for the appearance of a new partner in the future, a small child or at least an animal. Maybe soon new jobs, research, travel or a new hobby await you.
Yellow is the color of Mercury. This is the planet of reason and communication.
By choosing this candle, you are saying that you are choosing intelligence. You always want to learn, learn and absorb new information.
Yellow is also the color of movement and new beginnings. Regardless of what age you are, you do not stop there and want to expand your horizons again and again. As soon as you receive new, important information for you, your mind trembles with delight, and your soul rises to a new level of calmness and prosperity.
The fact that you have chosen this candle betrays a person in you who stands with only one foot on the ground, and the other soars in the spiritual sphere. Your feelings and your spirituality have a big impact on your daily behavior (some of you are more aware of this than others).
You want to learn, read. Professions related to legal practice are suitable for you. You would make an excellent lawyer. Or a person who works with animals. You like teaching them new skills, right?
It's never too late to do what you truly love! And that is what the breath in your body requires. Trust these vibrations and start expanding your horizons.
Green is the color of the heart chakra. It is directly related to your main senses. If you chose him, then you are a healthy and emotionally balanced person.
By choosing this candle, you are demonstrating that the universe has already helped you find balance in your life. Green is the color of nature, fertility and growth. You may be in for a period of abundance very soon. Or perhaps it has already come, and you just need to appreciate the simple joys of life more.
Only when you learn to truly appreciate what you have (this is required by the vibrations of your personality), you can rise to a new level in your spiritual path.
From time to time we all lose sight of our Path. This world is complex and requires too much of us. But you have already learned how to find your balance, so the worst is behind you. Soon you will feel how the process of renewal has begun in your life. New exciting ideas will be born.
Ahead of you is the right time for creativity. Try to eat healthy foods more often, take care of your body, and take more time for creative expression. This will help your consciousness to reveal itself. Learn cooking, gardening, sewing, writing, or a new language - whatever, as long as you have a heart for it.
Blue is the color of enlightenment. It is associated with water, which means that you have everything you need to understand yourself and your actions well.
Your intuition is well developed, because your patron is the heavenly planet Neptune. It is she who usually protects all psychics and healers. If you are not ready to grow "in this direction, then you are probably very sentimental and suffer from frequent unreasonable mood swings.
When your sixth sense is activated, everything changes. You are full of strength, energy and use your intuition in order to live with taste and pleasure. You need to learn to trust your instincts more often. Sooner or later, people like you will lead the world to the New World Order, and perhaps one of you will take a leading role in it.
Accept your talent. Do not resist it. Move with him.
Contrary to popular belief, black is not the color of Evil, but of Self-Defense and Self-Analysis (if you dig deeper). We must know ourselves well before we can advance in this earthly world.
We must figure out what we really want, and only then move on. Choosing this candle, you are saying, "I need to stop and think."
Sorcerers use black candles to summon the goddess Hecate, who illuminates the way forward for the slightly "lost" being.
Now is the best time for you to listen to your inner voice, get answers to all the questions that tormented you, find your goal and understand the relationship between you and the world around you. This need is already deep within you, so you can use the power of the black vibrations to look within yourself and get answers to the questions you are looking for.
Try to spend more time alone in the coming days. Walk in nature or in parks, sit in a cafe and watch the world around you go about its business. Try to figure out what kind of inner voice is periodically appearing from nowhere and knock you out of your usual comfort zone ...
Hear your inner voice. And be prepared for the surprises he might give you. Make sure you're ready to follow his directions.
If for a long time you could not decide which candle to choose, look at the second option. This means that periodically the color of your energy can change.

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