Wednesday, September 23, 2020

IT DON'T TAKE LONG - by Eldred Herbert



by   Eldred Herbert

It don’t take long to listen to another fellow’s grief,
It don’t take long to sympathize and help him find relief;
You will make his life much happier to give him this boost,
And your soul will be contented when you come home to roost.
It don’t take long to smile and say a pleasant “How are you”?
It means so much when someone feels down-hearted, sad and blue;
‘Twill make the day turn sunny on a very rainy day,
And you will feel much happier, as you go on your way.

It don’t take long to sit a while when someone’s sick in bed,
A cheery word will often soothe a tired, aching head;
And they will think you quite a guy, and find the day is bright,
So sit a while, and chat a while, your heart will glow with light.




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