Thursday, June 27, 2019

BE VIGILANT...NOT LATE - by Greta Zwaan

James 5: 13-15

by  Greta Zwaan

Pray in the time of sorrow; sing in the time of joy,
Give voice to the inner emotions; in trust your faith deploy.
When sickness overtakes you, when days cause endless pain,
It seems life has no meaning, commitments are quite in vain.

How can one think of singing when sorrows pile so deep ?
Rejoice amidst the trials when one would rather weep ?
Give thanks to God in all things; the happy times, the good,
As well in disappointments, when you’re misunderstood.

God doesn’t say, "FOR all things," when crisis come your way,
But in the darkened valleys, there’s always room to pray.
God's patience never falters; his ears hear your request,
Your anxious cry for mercy, when you can find no rest.

He longs to draw you closer, He seeks to draw you near;
But life keeps you so busy, His voice seems not too clear.
Then God allows a valley where you might seek His face,
A time of concentration, renewing of His grace.

God never left His posting, He did not stray away,
It’s you who did the wandering, so busy every day.
The path you’re on is fruitless; your spirit cannot grow,
So God puts up a barrier were you ought not to go.

Hence comes the heavenly message: "Be thankful IN all things,"
Perhaps enduring hardships the bell of danger rings.
Pay heed, the call is vital; God's calling carries weight,
Accept the challenge quickly, be vigilant, not late.

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