Wednesday, June 19, 2019


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Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you're climbing it. - Andy Rooney 

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When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome. - Wilma Rudolph

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Climb the mountain not to plant your flag, but to embrace the challenge, enjoy the air and behold the view. Climb it so you can see the world, not so the world can see you. - David McCullough Jr. 

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Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home; that wildness is a necessity. - John Muir 

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You're off to Great Places! Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, So... get on your way ! - Dr. Seuss 

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It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. - Edmund Hillary

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Because in the end, you won't remember the time you spent working in the office or mowing your lawn. Climb that goddamn mountain - Jack Kerouac 

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Walk away quietly in any direction and taste the freedom of the mountaineer. - John Muir 

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Be as the still mountain; Move like the great river. - Laozi

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No matter how steep the mountain - the Lord is going to climb it with you. - Helen Steiner Rice 

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