Wednesday, January 22, 2020

AS OF TODAY - by Glen Martin Fitch


by  Glen Martin Fitch

I left my parents
chanting few complaints.
Too hard I stomped my footprints
amid the crowd.
I did a lot
in spite of most constraints
to help by lending hand,
of which I'm proud.
Though many sought
to bury me with shame,
I owned my own.
I fought for what was right.
Though some may roll their eyes,
few curse my name.
In peace I dream my dreams
and sleep the night.
Though time erode
my epitaph of facts,
I chiseled deep.
I hope my words will hold.
And though I second guess
a thousand acts
the love I lived was staunch
and kind and bold.
No "If I hadn't…
No "If I could."
If I should die before I wake
...I'm good.