Sunday, March 29, 2020

WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE ? - by Maha Aliyah Fadle




by  Maha Aliyah Fadle

I wish loving you was easy.  
I wish it did not come with all the problems it did.  
We both have done our share of wrong in this relationship, 
but where does everything stop ?   
When will the time come where we can hold one another 
and be 100% true to one another ?  

Loving you was the best thing for me.  
It showed me things I never thought I could feel for another.  
Loving you is true and pure, 
but our actions towards one another beg to differ.  
How do we love and do the things we do ? 

I know the love is there.  
I know we do not want to leave each other's side.  
I ask you about the lies, the cheating and all the broken promises.  
I ask you to tell me what we will become.   
I ask you to tell me the truth.

I want more from us. I want more of us. 
I want us to be happy together, but how do we go about that?  
How do we go from what we have made our relationship 
to what we want our relationship to be?  
Is there even a relationship ?  I ask you to tell me.  
I ask you to help me realize what is going on.  
I ask you, "Where do we go from here?"



MY LOVE I WISHED WE SHARED - by Whitney Rebecca mcclure


by  Whitney Rebecca mcclure

My love for you is just enough, to get me through the day,
If only I could have you by my side, for this I do pray.
I know you know what love is, for you share it with one other,
But to know the love that I have for you, 
I hope that you will soon discover.
You think of another girl, 
when you fall asleep and when you wake,
But for you to be thinking of me, I hope for Lord's sake.
Maybe things won't be how I wish they would,
But maybe I pray, maybe it could.
That other girl obviously has been treating you wrong,
And with my love hopefully I could make you strong.
If it doesn't work out, we could still be friends,
But I will always care for you till the very end!!

Friday, March 27, 2020

GIVE PRAISE - by Greta Zwaan


by   Greta  Zwaan

Prayer is not a last resource, it's vital to all life;
We ought not wait till trials arise through illness or through strife.
God has commanded that we pray, both in joy or pain,
We should not wait till turmoil comes then plead with God again.

We need to bring our joys and praise - to God we owe this due,
For constantly He guides our way whatever we may go through.
We're quick to call upon His name in dire times of need,
We run for help in deep dismay when we need God to lead.

But prayer is also time for praise for all that we receive,
For every breath that comes our way to which our life must cleave.
For joys which lighten up our day, for unexpected grace,
For peace that fills our troubled soul in trials we must face.

God's heart is open for requests as well as for thanksgiving,
He hears the cry that each soul makes, their cry for righteous living.
So bring Him praise, lift up your heart, be joyful, blessed with singing,
Give God the glory for His love and set the joy bells ringing.

MY DESIRE - by Greta Zwaan


by  Greta Zwaan

As I have come into Your house, let my mind be free,
Take away the hindrances that assault;
Give me ears that I may hear the message that You bring,
Let me bow before You without fault.

Not by merit of my own, my sin condemns the thought;
But through Your mercy and Your grace.
In my search for being faithful to what e're your plan may be,
May I in earnest seek your holy face.

As I journey through this life, may I focus Lord on You,
My thoughts be ever heaven bound.
You have bid me bring my woes, the things that cause me grief,
Before the cross where gently peace is found.

Help me open up my heart, my soul, my life to You,
And all attractions of the world dismiss.
May I be guided by Your hand and follow where You lead,
For in Your presence there is peace and bliss.

Draw me nearer, ever nearer, gently hold my hand in Yours,
Walk beside me in this journey that I'm on.
Be my constant life companion, give me strength to hold You firm,
Whether in the night or in the early dawn.

Yes Lord, I have come to bring You glory, I have come to sing Your praise,
I have come to bare my heart before Your throne.
May my very being bear witness to Your love,
I trust my life to You, to You alone!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020


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Maja Borowicz is an artist passionate about industrial design and futuristic architecture. She creates a realistic and surreal images for paintings, movies and illustrations. World of Maja Borowicz with one hand firmly rooted in reality while opening the event exceeding experience. In this way, the paintings are saturated with existential symbolism of magical realism involving the innermost and the most profound experiences of human existence.

2 (700x464, 522Kb)

 Artist Statement:

My paintings are a story about how a certain important part of human history determined the thoughts and experiences of one person.

I came into the world in a country that was severely damaged during the Second World War. In a city that was wiped off the face of the earth a few decades ago and was never to be reborn. I come from a generation whose ancestors unconsciously transferred traumas and painful experiences onto them. As a child, I did not know any family who wasn't affected by the personal tragedy of war. My grandparents experienced a nightmare of violence and death, the loss of many of their loved ones, the loss of assets built up over generations. Their world had never been consistent, lasting or predictable. They passed this baggage on to future generations in the hope that nothing so horrible would ever happen again. However, successive generations came to live in the communist shackles of the Soviet forces, under governments based on terror and surveillance. The regime effectively eliminated any development of the individual, limited individuality, freedom of speech, the possibility to leave the country. The world behind the Iron Curtain was hermetic, filled with fear. This reality has left its mark on people's minds, affecting their worldview. Over the years, powerlessness, disagreements and frustration destroyed my parents' generation.

That's when I was born. From my ancestors I inherited tragic experiences, and from fate - chronic illness and talent. The disease destroyed my body from early childhood. The reality of the difficult times I lived in prevented me from getting the correct diagnosis. I suffered, relying on the limited knowledge of doctors, the treatments they recommended which not only had no effect, but were an additional source of pain, depriving me of hope. Escaping into the imagination became a means of protection. Pencil and paper became the tools that made the world bearable.

However, the path to the painting I do now was long and winding. It took me almost 30 years. It started with fighting the system, the experience of Poland recovering freedom, understanding, self-awareness and acceptance of individuality in 1989. The bumpy road I traveled led through years of personal struggle for survival. Imagination gave me pictures that contained everything that I was, what I experienced, what I was and am a witness of. All of this is alive and visible in my paintings. The heroes are almost always made up of pieces, they break, burst, shatter, they have mechanical parts, which is an allegory of my personal struggles. They grow out of the memory of past generations, they are an echo of deep emotions.

The world that I show is never consistent, lasting or predictable. It is a world of chaos, where the heroes are struggling with the changing reality, sometimes brushing up against the hopelessness of fate. The paintings that I create tell the story of a certain, real society, the stories of people... My experiences are just one example. After all, there are places in the world under other governments, surrounded by wars, where only love and hope help people survive. .

I include all these complicated feelings, experiences and thoughts in my paintings. Because of the difficult message and demanding content, I enclose them in the realistic shapes of oil painting. My work is a tribute to our experience and sacrifices. Thanks to them, we have a chance to be stronger, more sensitive, we learn how to be better people.

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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

MY DOG AND I - by Alice J. Cleator


by  Alice  J.  Cleator

When living seems but little worth
And all things go awry,
I close the door, we journey forth
My dog and I!
For books and pen we leave behind,
But little careth he,
His one great joy in life is just To be with me.
He notes by just one upward glance
My mental attitude,
As on we go past laughing stream
And singing wood.
The soft winds have a magic touch
That brings to care release,
The trees are vocal with delight,
The rivers sing of peace.
How good it is to be alive!
Nature, the healer strong,
Has set each pulse with life a thrill
And joy and song.
Discouragement! 'Twas but a name,
And all things that annoy,
Out in the lovely world of June
Life seems only joy!
And ere we reach the busy town,
Like birds my troubles fly,
We are two comrades glad of heart
My dog and I !

Monday, March 23, 2020

SPRING - Author Unknown


Author  Unknown 

Open the windows and open the door
And let the fresh breezes blow in, blow in.
Jack Frost has gone to his home in the north
And all of a sudden it’s Spring!


Котята манула - милые манулята (700x456, 256Kb)

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Sunday, March 22, 2020

WHAT TO SAY - by Steven


by Steven

What to say
I think about you every day
from your beautiful looks to your amazing smile
Your a work of art and there is no denial
if there's any a time that I start to feel down
just the thought of your kiss can beat any frown
I cannot wait to hold you tight
hearts beating as one bringing sheer delight
words cannot express the way that I feel
to find someone who is just so real
I truly believe that we have something special
something that will be long lasting and not superficial
I can wait as long as it takes to be with you
just know that until then I will always miss you
from your beautiful face to your soft sweet voice
being with you doesn't even require a choice
you are perfect to me in every way shape and form
and I cannot wait to be able to keep you warm
your laugh is contagious it makes me laugh more
its just so damn cute and it is that I adore
to think that you would wanna be with me
is the best damn feeling there will ever be
your simply amazing in every single way
and that's the reason I think about you every single day. 

Saturday, March 21, 2020



by  S.  Miles

There's a certain sweetness
To the taste of Spring rain,
And the roar of crashing waves
Under a dark grey sky,
And blooming flowers in a
Cool breeze under a hot sun,
And the thunder of gusts of wind
Against old tired shutters,
And silvery waters on an
Otherwise dark night,
And families playing on the sands,
And lovers strolling hand in hand,
And concerts in the park,
And kites striving ever higher,
I’ve been thinking of you.

BETWEEN ME AND YOU - by Anganiesha Gilliam


by Anganiesha  Gilliam

I understand that you don't want to let me go
But you do understand that you have to.
You didn't want me when I was around
So what makes you think I want you

Don't get me wrong I love you to death
But I'm just tired of being lied to
Our relationship was not based upon sex
It was based on our trust and love

If I could take back one thing I said
I would take back when I said I loved you
The only reason why I'm saying this now
Is because of all the pain you put me through

Unnecessary hurt, pain and sorrow
Caused because I was here for you
Then I wonder how you would've acted 
if we wasn't together
Would you still do the things that you do

I say all this to you, because to you I do nothing right
All you want to do is fuss and fight.
I want you to know what you do in the dark
Will always come out in the light

INNER THOUGHTS - by Patricia Clare Doiron


by Patricia Clare Doiron

My heart and belief in you was shattered,
What the heck was I thinking anyway,
But, facing the facts was all that mattered.

It has helped me to get over you,
My thoughts have now dwindled,
After all, what I believed wasn`t true.

We were both attracted to one another,
Yet, we never crossed the line,
Because we both had a significant other.

Thinking of you, filled me with a constant passion,
And I must admit, it was something I was lacking,
Just the thought of seeing your eyes put me in traction.

Did we both have each other mesmerized?
Oh well, whatever you call it,
We both realized we could only be idolized.

We shared a brief moment in time,
That lasted for years and years,
And still may cross each others mind.

So, our thoughts will pass, memories will fade,
But that`s okay, it was all good in the end,