Friday, March 27, 2020

MY DESIRE - by Greta Zwaan


by  Greta Zwaan

As I have come into Your house, let my mind be free,
Take away the hindrances that assault;
Give me ears that I may hear the message that You bring,
Let me bow before You without fault.

Not by merit of my own, my sin condemns the thought;
But through Your mercy and Your grace.
In my search for being faithful to what e're your plan may be,
May I in earnest seek your holy face.

As I journey through this life, may I focus Lord on You,
My thoughts be ever heaven bound.
You have bid me bring my woes, the things that cause me grief,
Before the cross where gently peace is found.

Help me open up my heart, my soul, my life to You,
And all attractions of the world dismiss.
May I be guided by Your hand and follow where You lead,
For in Your presence there is peace and bliss.

Draw me nearer, ever nearer, gently hold my hand in Yours,
Walk beside me in this journey that I'm on.
Be my constant life companion, give me strength to hold You firm,
Whether in the night or in the early dawn.

Yes Lord, I have come to bring You glory, I have come to sing Your praise,
I have come to bare my heart before Your throne.
May my very being bear witness to Your love,
I trust my life to You, to You alone!