Wednesday, March 18, 2020

THE WEDDING GIFT - by William Thomas Kinsey


by   William Thomas Kinsey

What could be the perfect gift,
one to truly show I care,
to reflect the way I feel for you
may I offer you this prayer:

"May your life be one of kindness,
true purpose and peace of mind;
may you rise above the rainbow,
may true love be yours to find.

May you share your love with others
who feel the same as you;
may you dwell in fields of happiness
in all you choose to do.

May you always feel you do belong,
may you always be a friend;
may you always feel you're wanted
and be in love until the end.

May all who know you show respect,
may you have no need to cry;
may all who know you- love you
at least as much as I.

May God be there to show the way
to influence your thoughts and deeds;
may he grant to you inner peace
and all your earthly needs.

May your life be filled with meaning,
may each day be fresh and new;
may you always be the way you are
and may all your dreams come true."

All this I would ask for you,
plus a life that's free of sin;
in the name of God the father
on this your Wedding Day.