Monday, May 4, 2020

ROOTS AND WINGS - by Atul Chandra Sarkar - India


by   Atul Chandra Sarkar  -  India

My family tree took me,
Four generations back,
I searched for my roots
Wondering: who were they,
Where had they gone,
Why no one had recorded,
A word about them,
Their names, their birthplace,
Their vocation, their migration,
How did they look like,
Dark or fair, good-looking
Or not so good,
How would we react,
If we happened to meet again,
Would it be all surprises,
Mixed with Joys and pain,
Would we cry with glee,
Or laugh our hearts out,
Shall we ever meet,
Or shall we never,
Not until the Judgment day?
My search for roots,
Gave my thoughts wings,
Ah! wings of feather and wax,
That melted in reality,
One more Icarus plummeted,
On the surface of roots,
Most of which hid
In the bowels of earth.