Wednesday, August 21, 2019

THE JOYS OF CHILDHOOD - by Prerna C. - India


 by Prerna C. -  India

Dancing around like little raindrops
On muddy roads and more
Window shopping in the shops
Building castles at the sea shore

Little fights on a pen or a doll
Lasting only a moment or two
Then, a little hug to end it all
And skipping together saying I love you

Running and dancing here and about
Slipping hard and rising with every fall
Laughing and Playing a chuckle and a shout
Swinging high on swings, and shooting a ball

Then cosily, in mum’s lap, at night
Listening to joyous words, and toys anew
Then, on the terrace with dad, flying a kite
With an innocent smile as fresh as dew

Knowing neither grief nor worry
Lost in their own jolly world
At their own pace, ne’er in a hurry
Aspiring to build a happy dream-world

A stranger as well as their dear one
They can make anyone smile
They enclose love for everyone
They know nothing of cheat or wile

Those days were so nice; that can’t be forgotten
Though, I can forget everything else I’ve got
I wish I could go back the steps I’ve trodden
Twas the happiest time, that now can’t be bought

I miss the swings and the playful laughter
So, let me return to what I find good
I miss the innocent talks without any falter
So, let me return to the joys of childhood

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